============================================================================================ DarkZone, 11/03/03 by wolfman (R2)(R3) Map: 120x120, Single Player, Drop Weight Limit: 325 tons ============================================================================================ Steiner Has Installed 4 Orbital Turrets on the Dark Side of Moon Zoron III. This is a serious threat for our invasion troops to invade planet Zor. Capture the Orbital Turrets." In a service hangarSouth to our dropzone are three new and fully functional Mechs stored that are intented to re-enforce the Steiner Orbital Turret Guards. They are already equipped with their Steiner ID system. That means that even in case our pilots use them they are identified as Steiner Mechs. Steiner Mechs are watching carefully if any unexpected Mech with Steiner ID comes close. As long as they are not attacked or get the impression something is suspicious like changing the function of a gate or a spotlight they do not attack. In standing closest to the Steiner Mechs you can even smuggle our troops through their lines. They will not recognize a critical change in their environment if we capture Resource Buildings or Repair Bays. Even the capture of Turret Controls or Sensor Controls might be possible; but you can never be sure. Take advantage of these options and do your job. Oh, before I forget to mention; in the service area is a pile of older rusty Steiner Mechs. We need them for a special mission. Your mission can only be completed if those rusty Mechs and all Mechs out of the hangar are guarded to the extraction marker. I am aware that due to the fact that some Mechs have no Jump Jets you have now an additional and very dangerous logistical task to fulfill. I count on you. ==================================================================== Designed for unofficial MC2 expansion pack wolfman-x. REVISION 13 (or higher) needed ! Adapted to MC2X ============================================================================================